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Is Day-To-Day Tough Work Schedule A Hurdle In Completing Your PhD Dissertation On Time?

Completing Your PhD Dissertation
Susan Wray
August 18, 2022

Academics face deadline challenges that are at least as severe as those in other professions. The issue that PhD candidates struggle with is finding time to write amidst their demanding schedules. One of the most rewarding endeavours for academics is unquestionably completing a PhD degree. Time constraints are likely to arise, especially if you are working a part-time job in addition to your PhD studies. The final year of your PhD is when there is the most pressure to finish, and this is also when disagreements and tensions most frequently occur. So, ultimately the day-to-day tough work schedule becomes a hurdle in completing your PhD dissertation on time. In such a scenario, it is better to get assistance from PhD dissertation help rather than procrastinating and losing sleep worrying about your PhD dissertation.

What are the hurdles faced by PhD candidates, and how do they overcome them?

PhD candidates face many hurdles while completing their dissertation. It is because a PhD candidate has a very tough schedule. Some candidates work full-time or part-time, which takes a significant amount of their time. On top of that, there is the pressure of providing for the family and allocating time for social life or physical exercise to maintain one’s sanity. We will outline some of the hurdles PhD candidates faces and provide tips on overcoming them.

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Topic Selection

First and foremost, picking a topic for the dissertation presents difficulties for researchers. PhD candidates often find themselves in a pickle while deciding on the dissertation topic. A topic that is too broad or too narrow is counterproductive and wastes time and energy of candidates. A PhD dissertation topic requires a balanced topic that is manageable and unique. Topic selection requires ample time and thoughtful consideration.

Students must read numerous books and the latest research papers published concerning their subject area. It is a time taking endeavour, and if you are doing a job, it becomes hectic to find time to go through the hectic task of extensive reading. You can overcome this problem by consulting PhD dissertation writing services. They have a team of expert writers who are subject specialists and have years of experience writing PhD dissertations. They can help you overcome your anxiety and select the right topic for your dissertation.

Time Management

Time management is one of the overbearing issues faced by PhD candidates. PhD candidates procrastinate and waste precious time by putting off things until the last minute. Only a few candidates have the capacity for self-discipline and adapt their schedules to complete their dissertation on time. On the other hand, some candidates cannot work under pressure. It is understandable because dissertation writing is a tiresome process.

Nevertheless, many researchers feel scared and start to hold back when handling some of the challenges in writing the dissertation. Others do not plan ahead and end up in a situation where they are rushing to make up for previous setbacks because they did not realise how quickly they would need to write after planning their research. Setting up a timetable and following it demands consistency and perseverance. You can overcome this by setting up milestones and by taking baby steps. As time progresses, you will start gaining momentum and achieve more in one day, but it requires patience and consistency. The other option can be to relegate the task to a professional writer at PhD dissertation writing service and take some time off.

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Finding the relevant literature

A PhD dissertation is a lengthy document requiring the incorporation of relevant literature from multiple sources such as books, journal articles, magazines, newspapers, and reports. A literature review entails extensive reading and a critical engagement with the literature. Researchers have to filter the relevant publications for their research topic and justify their inclusion in the review.

Furthermore, a review is not a summary of previous research; however, it necessitates the identification of gaps in the existing literature and justifying how your research will address those gaps. Students often do not know how to write a proper literature review, and they copy the long quotes without contextualising them, which confuses the readers. On the other hand, PhD dissertation help assigns the task to expert writers. These writers are experts at writing a critical literature review and include transition words and signalling phrases to indicate the addition of literature that informs the study’s primary objectives and research problem.

Data Collection

Data collection is a time-consuming task and requires a lot of effort and energy. It is time-consuming because the respondents do not share their responses on time. Additionally, data collection becomes hectic due to time constraints and financial limitations. A PhD candidate who has to work a full-time job and manage other things faces difficulty collecting reliable data. Completing your PhD dissertation require valid and reliable data because otherwise, the entire research goes to waste. So, suppose you are unable to compile the data by yourself. In that case, you can always contact the professional writers at PhD dissertation writing services to help you with the task of data collection.

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Using the Software

The software, in particular, might be challenging to use when writing a dissertation. Unbelievably many researchers complete their doctorates without being familiar with some of the more arcane conventions of using a word-processing programme like Microsoft Word. For instance, many researchers have trouble inserting a section break or setting up an archive so that page numbers differ from one section to the next as required by the university style. Additionally, changing tables and figures to appear on the appropriate pages might be challenging. However, when researchers are forced to master numerous new instructions to create a unique thesis and submit a print-ready final article, they become anxious. So, it is better to relegate the task to an expert writer at PhD dissertation writing service who can format your dissertation document according to the academic standards.


Writing a PhD dissertation in your tough day-to-day schedule can be daunting, and it becomes a hurdle in completing your dissertation on time. However, you can overcome these hurdles by effective planning and implementing time management techniques. On the other hand, you can always take the help of professional dissertation writing services and complete your doctoral degree on time.

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