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Applied & Theoretical Research – Importance and Differences

Theoretical Research
Susan Wray
September 05, 2022

A systematic investigation conducted with the aim of validating facts and producing new conclusions is what is commonly understood by the term “research.” Research is split into two categories based on its use: theoretical and applied. Since applied research frequently uses theoretical research as a platform to address practical issues, many researchers are of the view that these two fields are working very closely.

In general, applied research focuses on specific current subjects that have useful importance. On the other hand, the primary desire of theoretical research is to advance knowledge and provide answers to issues which are not directly related to current needs.

In this article, we will talk about what theoretical research is and how it differs from applied research. We will also talk about the importance of both research designs and how they differ from each other.

Theoretical Research

Since theoretical research is primarily focused on advancing scientific understanding, it is also referred to as basic, fundamental, or pure research. The main goal of theoretical research is to gather more information about current events, especially in the natural sciences, so that we can understand them better. Its main goal is to defend and disprove assumptions that try to explain different things. A “big picture” is in view of theoretical research to find out general factors and associated assumptions.

These theoretical research findings are essential for advancing future applied studies, even if the concepts do not immediately relate to how things are now.

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The Importance of Theoretical Research

The theoretical framework is the blueprint for the whole investigation. It gives you a plan for how you will approach the whole dissertation from a conceptual, technical, and insightful point of view. It also gives your study a solid base on which to build and grow.

By going beyond merely describing an observed phenomenon, it aids researchers in generalising its various aspects and pointing out its limitations.

Applications of Theoretical Research

Theoretical research examples include the following:

  • A study looking into the parts of human DNA
  • A research project looking into the causes of cancer
  • A research project on oak tree growth
  • An investigation into the elements that make up a proton
  • A study on how cryptocurrencies were created

Applied Research

Finding out more about an issue in the real world and taking action toward its solution are the objectives of applied research. The emphasis is on applying concepts from natural science to address current issues and advance new concepts.

Many applied researchers confirm current social problems using the naturalistic observation method before conducting experiments to find remedies. However, difficulties in collecting data may occur, particularly when testing procedures, and can endanger people or animals. As a result, there are limitations when using the appropriate study procedures.

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Importance of Applied Research

As was already mentioned, applied research is done to solve a specific issue. Good applied research produces results that can be put into practice. It offers solutions to relevant queries.

Applications of Applied Research

Here are a few scenarios that could be studied using applied research:

  • A study on how to reduce teenage illiteracy.
  • An investigation into reducing fraud on social media platforms
  • A study to determine how to extend the life of car tyres
  • A research study on how to treat insomniacs
  • A study on methods for schizophrenia patient diagnosis

Differences Between Theoretical Research and Applied Research

In both theoretical and applied research, researchers frequently employ identical data collection techniques, although their final objectives differ. The following are some differences between theoretical and applied research:

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The Difference in Objectives:

The goal of theoretical research is to add to or create new knowledge without regard to its potential for application. Whereas the goal of applied research is directly related to the resolution of specific issues in daily life.

The Difference in Nature:

Basic research tends to produce theories and analyse data that may not currently be used. Hence it is more theoretical in nature. Additionally, it emphasises refining present academic ideas. While trying to solve existing issues in numerous sectors, applied research is more descriptive and practical in character and is primarily focused on end-users.

The Difference in Scope:

Because theoretical research can be applied to many different concepts, its scope is frequently universal. However, applied research is largely specialised because it is concentrated on themes that address particular issues.


Applied research, which deals with the practical application of information, is more frequently associated with the advancement of technology than theoretical research.


Applied research works to avert expected issues or find solutions to future challenges. Whereas theoretical research aims to forecast future events. The former research design deals with anticipating potential outcomes, whereas the latter goes beyond formulating a likely course of action.

Drivers of the Research:

In applied studies, the goals of the research are established by clients or sponsors as a response to particular issues they are experiencing. Theoretical research, on the other hand, is typically self-initiated to increase knowledge in particular fields.

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Commercial Goal:

In contrast to theoretical research, applied research attempts to develop useful products and services. Hence it is strongly related to commercial processes.


Since applied research uses numerous surveys, experiments, and case studies to verify the performance of products, market strategies, and other economic-related practices, it is more closely linked to the expansion of the economy than theoretical research.

Academic Journals:

Theoretical research, which focuses on creating new information, is more frequently included in academic publications than applied research.

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Theoretical research is carried out in sterile or strictly regulated settings, such as laboratories. On the other hand, applied research is typically conducted in real-world settings where unanticipated variables may come into play.

The Difference in Approaches:

The topic of research validity should be covered in all types of investigations. The primary area of concern for theoretical researchers, however, can be classified as internal validity, whereas applied studies are often more concerned with external validity.

Want to Learn More?

We constantly work to create well-rounded studies that address both theoretical and practical needs because we believe that all research is valuable. To develop a research strategy that produces appropriate and applicable data, visit PhD dissertation help.


After going through the entire article, it may be concluded that the goal of theoretical research is to learn more (ideally by making new theories or evaluating existing ones). While the goal of applied research is to change society by solving its problems.

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